FPI tolak Ahok jadi gubernur karena bukan Islam & bacotnya busuk

Ratusan kader Front Pembela Islam (FPI) bersiap melakukan aksi penolakan Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) sebagai gubernur DKI. Mereka berkumpul di markas FPI Jalan Petamburan III Tanah Abang Jakarta Pusat.

Pantauan  Rabu (24/9), massa FPI mulai berdatangan dengan mengenakan baju putih-putih kebesarannya. Mereka pun mempersiapkan beberapa spanduk bertuliskan ‘Umat Islam Jakarta Tidak Butuh Ahok yang Bacotnya Busuk’.

Ketua FPI Tanah Abang Suharto menyatakan penolakan kepada Ahok memiliki 3 dasar. Hal itu yang melandasi perjuangan mereka untuk tegas menolak dan menentang kepemimpinan Ahok hari ini.

“Kita tidak asal menentang, kita punya landasan. Pertama agama Ahok yang bukan Islam, kedua perilaku Ahok yang arogan, kasar, dan tidak bermoral, dan ketiga penolakan umat Islam Jakarta terhadap kepemimpinan Ahok,” kata Suharto.

Selain itu, mereka pun memutuskan untuk berjalan menuju DPRD DKI. Hal itu untuk menghindari kemacetan.

“Kita akan berjalan kaki ke sana. Ini biar jalanan tidak tambah macet,” terang dia.

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7 thoughts on “FPI tolak Ahok jadi gubernur karena bukan Islam & bacotnya busuk

  1. Ray Tan
    September 24, 2014 at 5:45 am

    Oiiii FPI suruh belajar lagi SEJARAHNYE NKRI.

  2. james
    September 24, 2014 at 5:52 am

    FPI Rasis !!! FPI sendiri yang Banyak BACOT !!! FPI sendiri yang AROGAN !!! terbalik tuh yang bener itu seluruh Warga Jakarta dan Indonesia Tidak Menyukai FPI, tapi Polri dan Aparat Pemerintah sekalipun SBY gak punya Nyali untuk Membubarkannya padahal FPI selalu Bertentangan dengan Konstitusi !!!

  3. Dodoy Sidodoy
    September 24, 2014 at 7:25 am

    FPI kelakuan nya busuk ky preman pasar. Bumi hanguskan FPI

  4. pengamat
    September 24, 2014 at 9:22 am

    tidak setuju sah2 saja. Tapi hanya DPRD yang bisa memberhentikan gubernur dengan alasan tertentu.

  5. James
    September 24, 2014 at 7:12 pm

    Kan FPI berlaga jadi DPRD nya, maka sangat bahaya bila Negara dikuasai semacam FPI ini, maka wajib harus di Bubarkan sebelum menjadi ISIS Indonesia !!!

  6. Sue
    September 25, 2014 at 12:11 am

    Why have I never heard from most other ASEAN countries when it comes to statement of nationality compare to some Indonesian…..oh ..dia orang pribumi or dia non pribumi, as it seems there ‘s always this Big Elephant in the room that has not been disappeared ……the separation and the difference between nativity, race and religion continuing on and on to many Indonesian.
    When someone told me that they are Vietnamese, Thai, Filipino, Burmese (Myanmar), I have never heard that they’d used word of native non native or Chinese this and that. They just mentioned their Nation!
    There is no Gap of race , religion or nativity!
    Another example , the Korean. I truly admired them, since I have to co mingle a lot with Koreans, I’ve noticed that they always put their own people first, they treat each other with respect and willingly help their own brothers and sisters without any trace of prejudice.
    They genuinely want to better their own people. It’s really lovely.

    It makes me wonder why can’t we…in contemplating to understand the situation and problem that still exist.
    Gandhi said Be the Change of the world! And May I say Yes to that . Change that can only happen when each of us start taking responsibility and understanding to be that Change. Don’t have to wait for others.

    Let’s just stop over using Pancasila that just remain as word than action for many of a Indonesian. Question is, can we honestly proud and content as an Indonesian and would we truly satisfy knowing that we have to settle for less as a Nation? What have we taught and passed on to the next generation? When is going to end?

    I may get a lot of burning comments about what I think as my own a Truth but I don’t mind, I hope there are some of you out there that would enlighten my view .

    Namaste! Peace to All…

  7. tamaerfan
    November 15, 2014 at 3:57 pm

    Bacot nya habib yg busuk.

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