Abu Bakar Bashir was banker for terrorists

JAKARTA – Abu Bakar Bashir is suspected to have given money for the training of terrorists in
Aceh province in Indonesia. The public prosecutor has announced this on the first day of the trial
against Bashir, earlier today in the South Jakarta district court.

Bashir is suspected to have given some 180 million Rupiah (16,000 euro) and 5.000 dollar to
terrorists Ubaid and Dulmatin. Abu Bakar Bashir also supplied weapons of various types to the
terrorists in Aceh after he had already sent the money. A total of 325 million Rupiah (28,000
euro) in weapons is said to be paid for by Bashir.

Prosecutors say in the indictment – which is some 93 pages long – that Bashir has met with
Dulmatin to discuss the military-style terrorist training camps. The team of lawyers of the
defendant said that the indictment has no base. Earlier Bashir said that killing enemies of Islam
was halal. Robbing banks to get money to fund terrorism was also no problem for him.

Dulmatin will not be able to attent the trial. He was killed by anti-terrorist unit Densus 88 last
year when they wanted to arrest him in an internet cafe in the outskirts of Jakarta. Bashir is now
officially charged with two articles from the 2003 anti-terrorism law. He can get at least 20 years
in prison if convicted.

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