Home market isn’t on rebound yet
Are we there yet? Is the U.S. home market on the upswing? As Alan Greenspan would say, “there are shoots,” although a true spring in housing is still hampered by a chilly economic climate throughout…
Are we there yet? Is the U.S. home market on the upswing? As Alan Greenspan would say, “there are shoots,” although a true spring in housing is still hampered by a chilly economic climate throughout…
Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Hatta Radjasa menyampaikan, Indonesia ke depannya harus mengubah pola perdagangan khususnya di dunia Internasional. “Mind set kita tidak bisa bisnis as usual tetapi thinking out of the box,” ujar Hatta di Jakarta,…
They say everything is bigger in Texas – and apparently that includes debt, according to a new ranking of U.S. cities with the highest credit card balances, released by Experian. San Antonio tops the list…
Banks received a proposal from state attorneys general and several federal agencies that could require them to reduce loan balances of troubled mortgage borrowers, the Wall Street Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.…
The overriding factor for not letting your home foreclosure is a minimization of loss and liability. Foreclosure will do nothing more than increase the harm done and increase your short, medium and long —term loss,…
Harga emas dunia terus melambung hingga menyentuh harga tertinggi sepanjang sejarah, US$1300 per ons. Dalam satu dekade, harga emas telah melambung dari US$275 per ons pada awal 2000 menjadi US$1.300 per ons pada akhir…
New York, Saham-saham Amerika Serikat pada Jumat waktu setempat kehilangan hampir setengah dari keuntungannya yang diperoleh dalam lonjakan Kamis, karena gejolak Timur Tengah dan harga minyak yang tinggi menutup berita ekonomi positif menjelang akhir pekan,…
NEW YORK — That big sucking sound you heard last week? That was the air being taken out of the housing market by a slew of bad reports followed by some dire predictions by an…
The loose monetary policy in the United States is little better than “a narcotic” and will harm the rest of the world more than it helps Americans, a former Chinese vice commerce minister told Reuters.…
Washington — Despite significant cost-cutting, the U.S. Postal Service has “an inflexible business model” that will make it unable to pay huge bills without legislative fixes, the postmaster general testified Wednesday. The agency cut $3…
Here are 9 credit cards that industry experts told CNNMoney are among the worst in America for their sky-high interest rates and ridiculous fees. Applied Bank Unsecured Visa Gold Card The Applied Bank Unsecured Visa…
From pornography to emu feathers, here are 10 of the wackiest things taxpayers have tried to deduct. Uncle Sam and the U.S. Tax Court were not amused. Prostitutes Sex with prostitutes is apparently not considered…
Perhimpunan Gubernur AS meluncurkan prakarsa baru bagi hubungan kerjasama secara langsung dengan gubernur-gubernur Tiongkok. Para gubernur Amerika berupaya meningkatkan perdagangan dan kerjasama dengan Tiongkok untuk menciptakan lapangan kerja dan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di negara bagian…
Lending by Chinese banks during the past two years has been excessively fast, topping the “extreme upper limit” set by regulators, the country’s banking chief said at an internal meeting, a source told Reuters on…
The massive U.S. budget deficit is the gravest threat facing the economy, topping high unemployment and the risk of inflation or deflation, according to a survey of forecasters released on Monday. The National Association for…
It’s been almost five years since the housing bubble popped. And, with a glut of homes still on the market, housing prices could fall further. Why is it taking so long for the housing market…
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