Katingan Regent Attends Bumper Harvests of Paddy in Subur Indah Village

Katingan Regent Attends Bumper Harvests of Paddy in Subur Indah Village

The regent of Katingan, Sakariyas and the Head of Team for Family Prosperity Initiative, Daurwaty Sakariyas attended the ceremony of bumper harvest of paddy in Subur Indah village of Katingan regency, the province of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng). Sakariyas was accompanied by Head of Division for Procurement of Goods and Services, Indonesian logistics agency (Bulog) Slamet Zaini, Kalteng regional division head Mika Ramba Kendenan, Katingan Premier’s Coodinating Forum. The regent and delegates were welcomed by hundreds of both primary and junior high school students, standing on the side of the paddy field. They offered handshake to Regent and delegates when heading towards the location of bumper harvest of paddy.

During the occasion, Katingan regent said that the government is taking measures to develop agriculture as national strategic program, to achieve the food self-sufficiency. The sector will improve the lives of Katingan people who are mostly farmers. Transforming the regency’s agriculture sector can create jobs, raise incomes, and kick-start the economy on a path to middle-income growth. “This is suitable program for Katingan regency in which agriculture sector has been one of the priorities. The mission is relevant, that the Regency needs to improve the local economy with competitiveness and food security,” said Sakariyas.

He added that the harvest in Subur Indah village was expected to give contribution to the farmers in Katingan regency especially an increase of paddy production. Therefor, agriculture sector has been one of the sources of revenue for Katingan. “I wish the farmers will always apply technology to increase the production, especially paddy,” said Sakariyas.

He added that, the application of technology has parallel in the development of agricultural technology, an effort to increase crop production. Pagatan subdistrict, of Katingan has also produced some varieties, namely drying grain. The area around 12.000 (twelve thousand) hectares, equipped with tidal canals to irrigate crops. The farmers harvest the paddy crop twice in a year. An existing paddy field has yielded 3 – 4 tonnes per hectare. After using the variety of hybrid, the yield has increased to 6 – 7 tonnes per hectare. ( Setiawan L / IM )

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