IM Austria Prague 2014 Tour : Hallstatt

There are places so beautiful in the world you can’t help but share them with others.

But then there are places so magical that you never want to tell people about it, because

you risk losing what was so precious to you. Though by telling you about Hallstatt it may

seem like it falls into the former category, one look at the place will certainly convince you

that if I could I would keep this place under lock and key to myself.

Like other alpine towns, Hallstatt gained its wealth through salt production. Its

various salt mining tourism activities can give visitors a chance to slide through the salt

mines or take train tours. Hallstatt during peak tourism seasons, offers a variety of outdoor

activities, including hiking and rock climbing.

Down at the lake, the pastel-colored houses line along the border of the lake. The

swans in the area flock towards masses of tourists. They know that they’ll get free food and

they aren’t too bothered by all of the cameras. The lake, houses, and swans looked like the

perfect formula for an Austrian tourism ad. Kayaking, rafting, and ferry rides are also

offered in the lake and surrounding waters.

The town itself is definitely an upgrade from a typical boardwalk. Small shops and

ice cream parlors nestle together as if they’re all taking a picture. Flowers in windows give

the subdued colored houses a spot of blush. And just like a supermodel this town has no

bad angles, just better ones.

For me, it’s places like Hallstatt that I end up missing the most. The major cities have

their museums and bustling culture, but there is a timeless charm that Hallstatt exudes

without coming off as tacky. As I throw the last bits of the ice cream cone I may or may not

have bought just to feed the swans, I look back knowing I won’t miss this place. Because I

know I’ll be back one day.

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