PPPI Increases Programs of Complementary Treatment for Indonesian Professional Nurses

PPPI Increases Programs of Complementary Treatment for Indonesian Professional Nurses
Reported by: Liu Setiawan
Jakarta, August 9, 2024/Indonesia Media – Secretary general of Indonesian Reformed Nurse Association (PPPI) Sukendar says many plants in Indonesia are potential to be processed for herbal medicine (remedies), starting from the roots, leaves, flowers or seeds which are helpful to ease troubling symptoms of illnesses. Herbal plants are parts of nursing and easing physical symptoms, either complementary or conventional treatment. Complementary treatment includes acupuncture, reflexology, cupping, while conventional treatment has been widely known in western countries. “In medicine, treatments have shifted from conventional towards complementary. Next, PPPI will increase Training of Trainers (ToT) for complementary treatment, healthcare till provincial and district levels,” said Sukendar.
PPPI held an event of Relaxed Chat, with the theme of establishing entrepreneurship for nursing professional, becoming entrepreneurs of nursing treatment on complementary treatment services. Most of the participants are professional nurses. But the trend of complementary treatment also give big opportunities for healthcare professionals’ side income. Some of them have earned success, such as Mr. Ado Sadroi who runs traditional treatments and its clinic, Darussyifa with services in variation such as cupping, acupuncture, herbal remedies. Even he has also established an association of Indonesian traditional therapist (PPTI) and another similar organization for Indonesian complementary nurses (HIPKI). “PPPI wishes to improve the prosperity of Indonesian professional nurses by working as complementary therapist. We move forward to achieve professionalism and prosperity of our members. We have prepared the notarial acts, that homecare professional under PPPI. The activities of training and education have been increased, even the certification from Indonesia ministry of education, culture, research and technology (Kemendikbud Ristek),” said Sukendar. (LS/IM)
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