Berikut kronologi pemblokiran gereja menurut versi GKI Yasmin.
12 Maret 2011
19.00 -21.00 WIB : Terjadi pertemuan antara perwakilan GKI dan petinggi dari Polda Jabar. Polda Jabar menyatakan secara tegas akan menjamin dan menindak tegas pihak manapun yang melakukan penggembokan GKI Yasmin. Oleh karena itu, GKI diminta untuk tidak mengambil langkah sendiri terhadap pihak-pihak yang melawan hukum.
Pukul 23.00 WIB : Satpol PP dan sejumlah anggota kepolisian justru menggembok kembali gerbang gereja GKI Taman Yasmin. Di situ tampak jelas kepolisian melakukan tindakan pembiaran, tanpa berusaha mencegah seperti yang dijanjikan.
13 Maret 2011
Pukul 00.05 WIB : Kurang lebih 300 polisi berada di sekitar Gereja GKI Taman Yasmin. Mereka mengultimatum jemaat GKI untuk meninggalkan trotoar gereja dan menyingkirkan semua kendaraan di area tersebut. Bahkan sebuah mobil derek ditempatkan di lokasi itu. Jemaat tetap bertahan dengan menyanyikan beberapa lagu gereja. Polisi justru semakin maju dan membawa paksa seorang jemaat GKI. Ia kemudian dilepas setelah tim kuasa hukum mempertanyakan alasan dan surat penangkapan.
Pukul 01.00 WIB : Jemaat tetap bertahan dengan menggelar tikar dan mempertahankan sedikit trotoar yang bisa digunakan untuk ibadat pada pukuk 08.00 WIB pagi. Mereka berjumlah 15 orang, dan kebanyakan kaum wanita.
Pukul 04.30-05.30 WIB : Pasukan kepolisian melipatgandakan kekuatan dan mengambil basis di areal parkir Radar Bogor.
Pukul 06.30 WIB : Kapolsekta Bogor Barat, memerintahkan dan mengerahkan pasukan polisi untuk membubarkan jemaat GKI yang masih di trotoar. Pembubaran dilakukan oleh pasukan Brimbob bersenjata lengkap.
Pukul 07.00 WIB : Polisi memblokir dua ujung jalan Jl. KH. Abdullah bin Nuh 31 Taman Yasmin Bogor sepanjang 500 meter. Dalam operasi ini dikerahkan sekitar 6 truk barikade mobil bersenjata lengkap dan kendaraan barakuda.
Pukul 07.30 WIB : Demonstran anti gereja kurang lebih 20 orang melakukan aksi unjuk rasa di dekat Gereja. Mereka menuduh GKI melakukan kecurangan dan membawa spanduk bertuliskan kata-kata yang menyebarkan kebencian. Polisi yang berkekuatan besar cenderung membiarkan aksi tersebut.
Pukul 08.30 WIB : Jemaat terpaksa melakukan ibadah singkat di salah satu rumah anggota jemaat di dekat gereja.
English Version:
The Timeline of Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) of Taman Yasmin Bogor (March 7,12,13 – 2011)
by Peduli Yasmin on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 5:32am
March 7
1. A meeting was held between Bogor municipal authorities attended by the representative of Bogor mayor, and Indonesian Christian Church (Gereja Kristen Indonesia -GKI) of Bogor who was accompanied and supported by Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum -LBH Jakarta), PBHI, HRWG, Wahid Institute and inter-religion community.
2. In the meeting, the representative of Bogor mayor stated that Bogor municipal authorities has acted in accordance with the result of Bogor Local Leaders Discussion (Rapat Muspida) on March 4 2011, which decision was that the Bogor municipal authorities cancel GKI Yasmin church building permit (IMB), return all the legal permit and purchase the land and building owned by the church located on Jl. KH Abdullah bin Nuh 31 Taman Yasmin Bogor. This will be taken into action despite of the fact that they have accepted the copy of Supreme Court’s decision No 127/PK/TUN/2009, which confirmed that GKI Yasmin church building permit is legal by the law.
3. To this information and offer, GKI stated their refusal and reminded Bogor municipal authorities to obey the Supreme Court’s decision.
March 12
4.At 7-9 PM, there was a meeting in Giant Yasmin area, between a GKI representative &a Police Leader from West Java Local Police Department. The Police Leader said that GKI was asked not to take independent act, and if there were anyone who acted violating the law by re-locking Yasmin church door, the Police Department guaranteed to take immediate legal action.
5. At 11.30 PM, local force (Satpol PP) re-locked Yasmin church door. However, the police force choosed to only watch and didn’t take any legal action to prevent or stop them.
March 13.
6. At 00.05 AM, police warned Christians who were still in the Yasmin church area to go away and move all the vehicles within the area. A towing car was put near one of the churchgoers’ car which was parked in front of the church’s gate. The churchgoers choosed to stay and sang hymns. The police force stepped in and attempted to hold and bring on of the churchgoers, but was stopped after the GKI law attorney questioned the reason and asked for the warrant letter. The other reason was because some churchgoers ladies offered themselves to be brought, too.
7.At 1-3 AM, the churchgoers remained staying in front of the church gate, in order to keep some area to be used for the Morning Sunday Service at 8 AM. There were around 15 people mostly ladies. They prayed and sang hymns.
8. At 4.30 – 5.30, there were more police force coming and took place in the parking area of Radar Bogor.
9. At 6.30 AM after the morning briefing, West Bogor Chief Police Officer (Kapolsekta Bogor Barat) Hisda, ordered and led the police force to dismiss the churchgoers who remained staying in front of the church area. The dismissal was done by the Brimob force equipped with weapons. Because of the terror, the churchgoers were forced to leave the area.
10. At 7 AM, 6 trucks of police force with weapons blocked a – 500 m separated – 2 edges of Jl K.H.Abd bin Nuh 31, Taman Yasmin Bogor which is the area in front of the church. The poice force has done the same act on Dec 26 2010 when they banned the churchgoers to do the second Christmas Service.
11. At 7.30 AM, anti -church demonstration held by around 20 people raised banners on the corner of Giant Taman Yasmin. They wrote on their banner accusations that GKI cheated their way to build the church. They wrote,”Still insist on building illegal church here? Over our dead bodies!” Towards this action the police force took no action and just watched.
12. At 8.30 AM, the churchgoers gathered and held the Sunday service in one of their members’ house near the church.