Interpretative Neo Pop Art Painting of Pramoedya and Soeharto Figures

Interpretative Neo Pop Art Painting of Pramoedya and Soeharto Figures

ya and Soeharto Figuresreported: Liu Setiawan


Jakarta, January 17, 2025/Indonesia Media – One of Hardi’s painting collections exhibited at the National Gallery, with the theme of Jejak Perlawanan Sang Presiden 2001 is full of moral messages and conveying views, namely a painting entitled Neo Pop Art. The painting was made with four symmetrical pattern components, especially the left side (painting) namely Pramoedya Ananta Toer (author of novels in the 1940s) and his right, Soeharto (the 2nd president of the Republic of Indonesia; 1968 – 1998). “The position of the pattern (the image of Pramoedya and Soeharto) was deliberately made facing and opposite. The position of the pattern is right or wrong, that is each person’s interpretation. What is certain, (the interpretation) is criticism without seeming to be preachy,” exhibition guide Abimanyu told the Editors.

Pramoedya (February 6, 1925 – April 30, 2006) is widely regarded as one of the most prolific authors in the history of Indonesian literature. Pramoedya has produced more than 50 works and translated into more than 42 foreign languages. While Soeharto (June 8, 1921 – January 27, 2008), a General of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, president who ruled for 32 years was elected in six General Elections. “If you compare the two (Soeharto & Pramoedya), Pak Harto (Soeharto) is clearly from the government in the political realm. While Pramoedya, as the opposition in the political realm too. Who is more powerful, it goes back to each person’s interpretation,” said Abimanyu.

The symmetrical pattern of the Neo Pop Art painting, the two figures flank two parts of the canvas. The position of the two canvases in the middle is in the form of four novels published from 1980 to 1988 and then banned from circulation by the Attorney General of Indonesia for several periods. The four novels are termed the Buru Tetralogy, revealing the history of the formation of Nationalism at the beginning of the National Awakening. “The position of Pramoedya and Soeharto on the left or right side, is also interpretative. Because the painter has dared to break the rules of traditional and modern art. So, his breakthrough is termed Neo Pop Art. Pak Harto’s painting is equipped with a TNI pin. While in another painting by Hardi, there is a figure that resembles Pak Harto, but with a WNI pin. Paintings with interpretive meaning, but the aesthetics are maintained. Pramoedya’s work is also still relevant, available in online and offline stores, and has become a feature film,” said Abimanyu. (LS/IM)

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