JAKARTA: The Islam Defenders Front (FPI) threatened to raid Luna Maya, Ariel and Cut Tari’s houses if the city police failed to examine and arrest the three celebrities at a demonstration in front of the Jakarta Police.
FPI head Habib Salim bin Umar Alatas said if the police did not take action within one week, the FPI would “go to Luna Maya’s house and drag her to prison”.
Salim added that the police must not defend the three celebrities and that they should not solely chase the video’s distributors.
Meanwhile, FPI secretary-general Ahmad Sobri Lubis added that the public should ostracize the infamous trio and not give them attention over their alleged sex-tape scandal.
Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Boy Rafli Amar met the FPI’s representative to discuss the case and said that the group would like to raid and stop the circulation of pornographic material. – JP